Since 1997, NetCeler has been designing innovative monitoring solutions for critical industrial environments.
The company combines proven products and recognised business expertise to design solutions tailored to the needs of its customers: visualisation of measurements in real time, data traceability and archiving, system monitoring, process analysis and optimisation, etc.
NetCeler’s Power BU serves transmission and distribution customers with design & engineering services, implementation and support for IVPower, the network monitoring solution proven for more than 2 decades. With successful deployments in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia, NetCeler has won the enduring trust of major electric utilities. Staffed with experts in power applications, IT specialists and service-oriented project managers, the Power BU maintains knowledge and fosters innovation to remain the technology leader on the market. It is organised to provide the level of service required in the demanding context of the power industry, as well as to guarantee information security.